Colombian Coffee Growers Threaten National Strike Over Falling Prices

Colombian Coffee Growers Threaten National Strike Over Falling Prices

March 14, 2024 Off By Author

Colombian coffee growers are on the brink of a national strike due to a significant drop in coffee prices, which they attribute to unfavorable exchange rates and the contentious factor 88. Despite discussions and a protest at the National Federation of Coffee Growers (FNC) headquarters demanding a restructuring of the sector, better tariffs, and solutions for the price decline, a meeting with FNC leader Germán Bahamon ended without agreement. Coffee farmers demand the creation of a “Truth Commission” to oversee the FNC’s administrative, financial, and community support efforts, along with the abolition of factor 88, which affects how coffee is priced and sold. The current crisis, exacerbated by climate issues, has farmers calling for immediate action to avert a sector-wide strike on April 28.