Cannabis Pasteurization: A Step Towards Cleaner, Safer Products?

Cannabis Pasteurization: A Step Towards Cleaner, Safer Products?

May 1, 2024 Off By Author

Cannabis enthusiasts might raise a joint on April 20th without realizing this holiday falls on the anniversary of Louis Pasteur’s groundbreaking pasteurization experiment in 1862. More importantly, many consumers are likely unaware of the potential contaminants in cannabis and the growing push for pasteurization.

Companies like VIST Labs are at the forefront of this movement with their CryoPasteurization process. “You wouldn’t think that cannabis is dirty, but it’s actually as dirty as raw milk,” explained Jim Sanfilippo, co-founder and CEO of VIST Labs. The process uses cryogenic vapors and liquid nitrogen to sterilize cannabis quickly and naturally.

The Dangers of Contaminants

According to Sanfilippo, cannabis can harbor over 50 different pathogenic organisms, including Aspergillus mold, a significant problem in agriculture. Without proper treatment, these contaminants can degrade the quality of cannabis, impacting its flavor, cannabinoids, and overall shelf life.

Lack of Regulation

“Pasteurization is really needed in the U.S. cannabis industry, but it’s not required,” Sanfilippo highlights. He believes unified federal guidelines are necessary to mitigate public health risks, pointing toward stricter standards like those imposed in Europe.

The Future of Cannabis Processing

VIST Lab’s work with CryoPasteurization demonstrates a growing trend towards ensuring a cleaner cannabis experience. As the industry matures, a push for stricter regulations and safer practices may result in pasteurization and other sanitation methods becoming the standard, not the exception.