Hydroponics Offers Respite to Drought-Hit Libya and Jordan

Hydroponics Offers Respite to Drought-Hit Libya and Jordan

September 2, 2023 Off By Author

As extreme heatwaves persistently devastate crops in Libya and Jordan, hydroponics – the method of growing plants in a water-based, nutrient-rich solution without soil – is emerging as a beacon of hope for farmers and refugees alike. In Libya, where climate change has intensified droughts and desertification, many farmers are turning to hydroponics. This technique not only supports growth in water-scarce environments but also yields healthier and faster-growing crops. An NGO named Green Paradise has been instrumental in Libya, training over 120 farmers in hydroponic techniques. Meanwhile, Jordan, facing severe water shortages and an increasing refugee population, is seeing hydroponics as a lifeline. Many refugees, with limited resources and employment options, are embracing hydroponics for income, with organizations like Senara leading the training efforts. However, high initial costs, primarily for temperature regulation in the intense heat, and a lack of proper legislation remain significant challenges for the widespread adoption of this farming technique in both countries.