Dwindling Moong Yields Prompt Calls for Government to Allow Imports

Dwindling Moong Yields Prompt Calls for Government to Allow Imports

September 5, 2023 Off By Author

Following an adverse impact on moong (greengram) yields due to a dry August, the pulses industry is urging the government to permit increased imports to enhance supplies. Rajasthan, the primary moong-producing state during the kharif season, has experienced significant output reductions due to rain deficits. Additionally, decreased acreage, attributed to a late monsoon and inadequate June rainfall, implies a likely drop in moong production in Karnataka and Maharashtra.

Moong prices have already begun to surge in light of these compromised crop conditions. This price uptrend in the pulses sector is further driven by tur and urad commodities. Reports from North Karnataka’s mandis indicate that the new moong crop has begun to enter the agricultural produce marketing committee’s markets. As concerns over supply shortages loom, stakeholders await a government response to address the mounting challenges.