Agricultural Drones in Colombia: A Growing Market Approaching 2,000 Units

Agricultural Drones in Colombia: A Growing Market Approaching 2,000 Units

September 6, 2023 Off By Author

In Colombia, approximately 2,000 drones are currently airborne. Of these, agricultural drones represent a rapidly expanding segment, known for their efficiency, cost-saving measures, and ease of use. These specialized drones are useful in various agricultural applications, including crop protection and dispersal of solid fertilizers.

Germán Suárez, an engineer at Drone Innovation Col, emphasizes the importance of considering the type and location of crops before implementing drones. Agricultural drones can address issues like controlling fungi, insects, and weeds. Additionally, they can disperse granulated soil fertilizers, and depending on the model, cover up to 1.5 tons per hour on flat terrains.

Drones can also perform mapping functions, allowing farmers to get a detailed view of their plots. They provide varied color tones, helping to identify growth stages from red to green hues. Jessica Aguirre, CEO of a drone company, notes that while farmers in the Valle del Cauca and Casanare regions have been the quickest to adopt this technology, its use is spreading rapidly nationwide.

Projections by Motor Intelligence suggest the drone market will grow by over 15% annually from 2022 to 2027. According to Drone Innovation Col, there’s a potential market size close to 1,965 units.

Drones assist in addressing challenges such as the generational shift in agriculture. Currently, Colombia has 8.5 million hectares designated for farming, but only 3.1 million workers. With an average of 0.3 workers per hectare, there’s a demand for innovative solutions like drones to ensure that crops are attended to.

Depending on the crop and region, the efficiency of drones varies. For example, human workers can cover one hectare of rice in an hour in areas like Tolima, Huila, and Norte de Santander. In contrast, a drone model like the T40 can cover 21 hectares in the same period.

As per Mauricio Vélez, Commercial Manager of Drone Nerds Latam, the adoption of drone fleets in industrial processes in Colombia has shown tangible benefits. It has resulted in significant savings and profits, prompting other industries to quickly integrate this technology.

Jessica Aguirre also discussed the rapid growth of DJI in the agricultural sector, highlighting the importance of drones for farmers. Drones not only improve efficiency and reduce costs but also ensure safety with features like spherical radar systems that detect obstacles in various conditions.

In conclusion, while drones play a vital role in improving efficiency and addressing labor shortages in the agricultural sector, they complement rather than replace rural workers. The next generation of farmers can benefit from the technological advancement by becoming drone pilots, enhancing their working conditions and coverage per crop.