Bayer Unveils New Potato Pesticides in Canada: A Duo of Products to Amplify Potato Crop Protection

Bayer Unveils New Potato Pesticides in Canada: A Duo of Products to Amplify Potato Crop Protection

October 12, 2023 Off By Author

Bayer Crop Science has introduced two novel pesticides for potato farming in Canada, acquiring regulatory approval in September. The first, “Emesto Complete,” is a dual-action fungicide-insecticide seed-piece treatment formulated with clothianidin, prothioconazole, and penflufen, targeting a spectrum of pests including Colorado potato beetle and aphids, and combating fungal diseases and certain pesticide-resistant strains. The second product, “Velum Rise,” based on fluopyram and penflufen, is an in-furrow pesticide devised to control various diseases like black scurf and stem and stolon canker, and to mitigate early blight, black dot, and nematode-induced diseases. Bayer emphasizes the efficient application, with Emesto Complete requiring low water volumes and being effective in small doses, positioning these products as potent new tools in safeguarding potato crops against a range of threats.