Corn Belt Faces Potential Crop Damage Due to Extreme Heat and Dryness

Corn Belt Faces Potential Crop Damage Due to Extreme Heat and Dryness

August 21, 2023 Off By Author

The Corn Belt, after experiencing a relatively cool third week of August 2023, is now threatened by extreme heat and dry conditions. WeatherTrends360 data indicates that this was the seventh coolest third week of August in over 30 years for the region. While the earlier part of the month saw scattered showers and mild temperatures, a significant shift late in the third week introduced some of the year’s hottest weather. Forecasts suggest that the final week of August may be among the hottest and driest in over three decades.

Temperatures are expected to reach between the 90s and 100s for several days, with nighttime temperatures only dropping to the upper 70s or 80s. This extreme weather poses a risk to both crops, including corn and soybeans, and livestock. The heat, coupled with the lack of moisture, will likely intensify drought conditions throughout the central Plains and Midwest.

In addition, as the Atlantic Basin approaches its hurricane season’s peak, multiple potential storm developments are on the horizon. The possible impact of these storms on the U.S. remains uncertain, but close monitoring of the Atlantic Basin will be crucial in the coming weeks.